What personally identifiable information is collected on this site? |
Visitors may supply personally identifiable information (such as name, address or telephone numbers) for various purposes on this site. These purposes include registering to receive e-mail newsletters, requesting further information about our products, or simply asking a question about PCI. PCI does not collect personal information from you unless you provide it to us. This means that you can visit our site without telling us who you are or revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself. |
Security |
Personally identifiable information is stored on our Web server and is not publicly accessible. Further, personally identifiable information is accessed only by PCI Corporation employees. |
Choice/Opt-out |
If you have registered to receive e-mail communications from us and later change your mind, you may contact us to have your name removed from our distribution lists. You have the following options to do this:
You can send an e-mail to info@practiceconsulting.com
You can send mail to the following address:
PCI Inc.
265 Davidson Avenue, Suite 205
Somerset, NJ 08873 |
What anonymous information is collected on this site? |
Anonymous clickstream information is collected for every visitor to this site. This includes pages viewed, date and time, and browser type. IP numbers are not stored, but are temporarily used to determine domain type and in some cases, geographic region. We do not make any association between this information and a visitor's identity. |
How does this site use cookies? |
PCI Corporation uses cookies to identify your browser as you visit pages on the PCI website. Cookies also allow The Forum Corporation to provide more relevant, targeted information as you travel through our site.
Cookies are also used allow authorized visitors to access the case studies, demos and archives section of PCI website. |
Links |
This site may contain links to other Web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another site. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policy may differ from ours. |
Whitepapers/Download Tracking |
PCI Corporation uses your supplied account information to track and store which documents you have downloaded. The stored download tracking is used only by PCI Corporation and its employees. |
E-mail Links |
We use e-mail links located on this site to allow you to contact us directly via e-mail. We use the information provided in your e-mail to respond to your questions or comments. We may also store your comments for future reference. Your personal information is only shared with third parties with your explicit permission.
This privacy statement may be modified by PCI Corporation. The process of maintaining a website is an evolving one, and PCI Corporation may decide at some point in the future to modify this policy. Your use of the site, or materials obtained from the site, indicates your assent to the privacy statement effective at the time of such use. The effective privacy statement will be posted on the site, and therefore you should check it regularly for any changes. |
Legal Disclaimer |
We may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on PCI Corporation. |